Spring Creek Tract

Website Building Application

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National Forest Homeowners

National Forest Homeowners serves and advocates for the 14,000 recreation residence permittees in our national forests. Every SCT cabin is a member of the NFH. One of the organization’s greatest strengths is the relationship and dialog maintained with the USFS at every level.  The Cabin Fee Act legislation succeeded because of NFH’s excellent and persistent advocacy. Whenever forest cabin issues arise, the NFH will always be our most effective advocate.

http:// nationalforesthomeowners.orgThe website http://nationalforesthomeowners.org, provides information on matters of interest to cabin owners.  Timely reports on relevant government actions, forums on tract problems and solutions, forest health and fire management issues, estate planning, and impacts of the National Historic Preservation Act are some topics.

To obtain a login: 1) Go to the NFH website home; 2) Click on “Forgot your password?” 3) Enter the primary email address for your cabin. 4) A link for creating an account will be forwarded to your email.  Because SCTA pays for one membership per cabin and provides an email address for each cabin, that is the address you must use.  Multiple people can use the same account or individuals can obtain Associate memberships in NFH.

NFH holds conferences and forums throughout the year, which are, in addition to being very informative, a delightful opportunity to meet cabin owners and Forest Service personnel from around the country.